blogging from scratch

In case you haven't already figured this out, I am a Ruby programmer. It took me a while before I was really comfortable with calling myself a "programmer" when dealing with Ruby, because I did something most people advise against. I learned Ruby by learning Ruby on Rails. So I learned the framework before I learned the language. Generally, this is frowned upon and causes some very bad habits to develop eearly on. However, learning Ruby this way turned out to not be so bad (even though it took me a bit longer to dive in to Ruby itself), and I continue to make the argument that having quick, tangible results and an emphasis on rapid prototyping allowed me to quickly and easily pick up some of the more advanced concepts of not only Ruby, but HTTP and web development in general. As it is my day job, I do enjoy working in Rails, but sometimes its paradigm just doesn't fit in (well) with what I'm trying to do. So I wanted to use something different.

I tried a number of alternatives to simplify the development process, but I wasn't really feeling any of them. Early readers will remember Typo as one alternative I used for quite a while because it was the only one that had XML-RPC connectivity. The main way I blogged back then was through TextMate, so I could simply push the post to the server after I was finished with it, and keep the text copy on my computer as a backup. I gave up attempting to construct an XML-RPC interface to any of the existing blogging platforms, and basically settled on Typo because it already had that in place. Everything else about it sucked though, it still used Rails 2.2 (Rails 3 was out!), Prototype.JS for the JavaScript, and an antiquated themeing framework that just made everything harder to comprehend.

Then, I came across this new thing that Tom Preston-Werner (one of the founders of GitHub) built as the engine that runs GitHub Pages. It's called Jekyll and it's well, awesome. Jekyll merges HTML layouts with Liquid templates and Markdown text content to build a site that's simple and fast. Since it's just static HTML, there's no waiting around for the database to return with the proper data, nor is there any extra time while the data is parsed to be human readable. Everything is "just there". But Jekyll isn't a complete solution. Designed for GitHub pages, a huge userbase, it's of no surprise that the program isn't all that configurable. For example, you can't change the directory where posts and layouts and plugins are read from, nor can you change the location/filename of the YAML config. Until now, that is.

hacking jekyll

I wanted to design my blog's folder structure in a certain way. For starters, I'm already using 3-character folder names for any custom directories that weren't being preprocessed by Jekyll. I wanted the content rendering engine to be just one part of how the entire app operates, as I have also added Sprockets for asset preprocessing and a Rack app or two for some realtime custom content. Using TryStatic, the static content on can be served on the Rack stack alongside StatusExchange, my status update feed(s) parser. Rack middleware allows me to handle each request that comes in with a set number of classes. So for example, StatusExchange is only meant to respond on requests to /status, and any other requests just gets sent to the next middleware, which in this case is TryStatic. TryStatic will simply read the request and try to find a matching file in the pub/ directory, which is where Jekyll is storing the site.

back to your roots

After attempting this setup, I was poised to find out that "fighting the framework" against all of Jekyll's better judgment was a bad idea. As I continued to experiment more with my blog, Jekyll became simply an obstacle rather than a solution in my quest to make my blog better and more powerful. In addition, my folder structure a few years ago looked very similar to your typical Rails application, with some minor renaming differences. So I decided to swallow my pride and return to the Rails ecosystem.

Doing so provided a number of significant advantages:

As I've become more and more comfortable with Rails 3, I've also noticed a huge push towards modularity in the Rails framework. Now that I don't have to include ActiveRecord and other gems I'm not using, Rails becomes a much lighter framework, and still retains its ease of use. And with the new fragment caching and page caching features coming in the new Rails 4 release, I'm confident that my choice will not only replicate any benefits I would've had from Jekyll, it will mitigate future development headaches when creating simple features and experiments for the blog.

getting it done

Using the ActionView template handling system, I simply passed in Markdown as if it was a Rails view at first. However, Jekyll source files are not merely Markdown. They are a combination of YAML front matter and Github-flavored Markdown, which means not only am I going to have to parse the YAML configuration out of this Markdown source, I'm also going to have to implement some sort of syntax highlighting with Pygments in order to replicate the beauty and simplicity of Jekyll.

For starters, I used Redcarpet to parse Markdown. I like Redcarpet the best out of all the Markdown gems for Ruby, particularly because of its extensible rendering architecture, allowing me to (like I just did) override the directive for parsing a block of code and running a syntax highlighter through it. This one is the easy step: tons of guides exist online to use Pygments.rb and a Redcarpet renderer to highlight your code blocks in Markdown.

Next came the problem of the YAML front matter. Rails' templating system is not advanced enough to parse two templating languages in the same file, sending data from one to the model and data from the other as the actual view. Jekyll source files are in fact used for two separate things, and since my blog articles are all written with Jekyll's YAML front matter at the top, I needed a way to parse out that metadata and display it on the page.

So I created a library called ActiveCopy that allowed me to define a subfolder of my view directories called content/. Here, I can place Markdown files with YAML front matter instructions, and expect them to be compiled into metadata-rich articles that looked exactly like (or better than) my Jekyll transformations.

give it to me

ActiveCopy has not yet been extracted from my blog, but it was designed from the ground up with the intention of becoming its own gem someday, since I'd like to use the concepts I built on my own blogging app with future clients and ideas that I may encounter.

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